Abandoned Mines - Greater Richmond Area
Virginia Energy is presenting these maps in response to Chapter 706 of the Virginia Acts of Assembly (2006). The legislation requires that the seller of any new dwelling in Planning District 15 disclose in writing to the purchaser whether they have knowledge of previous mining on the property, or the presence of abandoned mines, shafts, or pits. These maps depict locations of abandoned mines contained in the publications, databases, and archives of Virginia Energy. The mines are shown as symbols plotted on U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute quadrangle topographic base maps at a scale of 1:24,000, presented as Portable Document Format (.pdf) files. At this scale, one inch is equal to 2,000 feet.
The larger map below is an index to abandoned mine location maps. Red boxes indicate maps that are currently available. Clicking on a red box will open a link to a .pdf file containing the map associated with that area.
Contact Us

Mined Land Repurposing
Lesa C. Baker, AML Project Coordinator
Virginia Energy
Mined Land Repurposing
3405 Mountain Empire Road
Big Stone Gap, VA 24219
Phone: (276) 523-8100
E-mail: CoalMineSafetyInfo@energy.virginia.gov (Coal Mine Safety)
AbandonedMineInfo@energy.virginia.gov (Mined Land Repurposing)