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Spacer ImagePublication 128: Coal, oil and gas, and industrial and metallic minerals industries in Virginia, 1991
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by P.C. Sweet and J.E. Nolde, 18 pages, 1 plate, 4 figures, 12 tables, location map in pocket, scale 1:1,000,000, 1993. This publication provides mineral resource production quantity and value data, along with text summaries for the fuels and non-fuels minerals industries in Virginia for 1991. Major sectors include coal, oil and gas, and 21 industrial and metallic commodities. In 1991, total value of mineral production in Virginia was 2.08-billion dollars -- made up of about 1.63-billion dollars from coal, about 28-million dollars from crude oil and natural gas, and about 415-million dollars from production of industrial rocks and minerals. Various figures and tables provide production and value statistics, graphical presentation of long-term production and value trends, and detailed data for the 1991 production year.
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